A thorough experimental comparison of multilabel methods for classification performance

Abstract: Multilabel classification as a data mining task has recently attracted increasing interest from researchers. Many current data mining applications address problems with instances that belong to more than one class. These problems require the development of new, efficient methods. Advantageously using the correlation among different labels can provide better performance than methods that manage each label separately. In recent decades, many methods have been developed to deal with multilabel datasets, which makes it difficult to decide which method is the most appropriate for a given task. In this paper, we present the most comprehensive comparison carried out so far. We compare a total of 62 different methods and several configurations of each one for a total of 197 trained models. We also use a large set of problems comprising 65 datasets. In addition, we studied the efficiency of the methods considering six different performance classification metrics. Our results show that, although there are methods that repeatedly appear among the top-performing models, the best methods are closely related to the metric used for evaluating the performance. We also analyzed different aspects of the behavior of the methods.

N. García-Pedrajas, José M. Cuevas-Muñoz, G. Cerruela-García and A. de Haro-García (2024) “A thorough experimental comparison of multilabel methods for classification performance,” Pattern Recognition, in press.


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